【飛騨限定】旅みけねこ 飛騨 [Hida Limited] Travel Mikeneko Hida
¥1,100 税込
なら 手数料無料で 月々¥360から
発売以来、多くの方に愛されている【飛騨限定】旅みけねこ 飛騨がついに登場です!
販売元:有限会社 西田工芸
住所:〒506-0011 岐阜県高山市本町4−71
[Hida Limited] Travel Mikeneko Hida, which has been loved by many people since its release, is finally here!
This is a cute stuffed cat with a gassho structure reminiscent of the scenery of Hida, and a flute included.
Enjoy your days while feeling the warm atmosphere of Hida with this traveling Mikeneko close by. It may also be an opportunity to deepen your connections with Hida fans across the country!
[How to use/handle precautions]
・We recommend hand-washing stuffed animals instead of washing them in a washing machine. If it gets dirty, wipe it with a damp cloth.
・Avoid direct sunlight and store in a well-ventilated place.
・Please handle the ball chain with care and avoid pulling it too hard.
Seller: Nishida Kogei Co., Ltd.
Address: 4-71 Honmachi, Takayama City, Gifu Prefecture 506-0011
TEL: 0577-34-5588
¥1,100 税込